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6 Ways to Simplify Your Life and Stress Less

Simplicity and peace are things many of us long for. So, naturally the question is: how do I make my life simpler? Here are 6 ways to simplify your life and stress less.

Practice Gratitude

Being grateful is one of the main components of a low-stress, simplified life. If you see the benefit in every circumstance, it becomes less complicated.

Having good thoughts about Allah, appreciating the countless blessings we’re surrounded by and expressing gratitude through any situation we face, is what will bring contentment.

“If you would count the favours of Allah, never could you be able to count them. Truly! Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah an-Nahl 16:18)

Improve Your Space

The most frequented place of the homemaker is the home. Therefore, it’s essential for it to be a place of tranquility.

Our daily environment can significantly impact our mood and emotions. Being diligent in maintaining a clean, clutter free and organised space will help to ensure a calmer atmosphere, clearer mind and positive mood.

Talk Less

A virtuous characteristic of the believer is to speak little.

The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wa salam) said “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day then let him speak good or remain silent.” Bukhari 6018

You can achieve more peace in your life by striving to be someone who speaks eloquently, kindly and softly* with others (*i.e. with your family, husband and children, not non-mahram).

Not every situation requires an explanation. And there are most certainly times when it’s far better to remain silent. Many circumstances become complicated through our speech, to be sure!

healthy meal to take care of yourself and simplify your life

Take Care of Yourself

When you hear the term self-care you probably think of pampering. However, the two are not always interchangeable. And though bubble baths and face masks can be fine luxuries from time to time, the self-care I’m referring to is much more important.

What is true self-care? When put simply: it is taking care of yourself. Mind, body and soul.

As mothers and homemakers we woefully fall into self-neglect, while devoting ourselves to our families. This then leads to burnout and maybe even resentment.

In order to show up as your best, most kind, loving and patient self, you need to make sure you’re meeting your own basic needs.

Have you earnestly devoted time to your Lord? Are you adequately fed, watered and rested?

Slow Down

If you find yourself constantly rushing from one task to the next, this is more than likely a contributor of stress in your life.

When you remain in a constant state of busyness and hurrying you will see the impact it has on you and those around you. Of course we should be striving for what’s written for us, but it needs to be done with balance.

Joy can be found in even the simplest moments. So slow down enough to savour them.


Change, stress and hardship are inevitable in life.

It may be uncomfortable but these are things none of us can escape. Rather, understand and accept wholeheartedly that it’s not in your control and no amount of force on your part can make it so.

I encourage you to see the positive in everything (as hard as it may be) and realise that you are never burdened beyond what you can bear. Simplify your life by learning to adapt and cope with the difficult circumstances through supplicating to Allah.

What are some ways you’ve found to simplify and live a more peaceful life? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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    • Sakinah Ibrahim says:

      Acceptance Is a good way to go. ALlahuma Baarik for your insightful posts

      • Sophia says:

        For most of us it takes a while to realise this, but it definitely makes a significant difference, alhamdulillah.

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